
mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Diamond jewelry: how do you know if they are real or fake?

Diamond jewelry: how do you know if they are real or fake?

Do you have a gem diamond home time grandparents? Or at least, that's what I think? If you are not sure if your diamond is real, here is how you can tell a fake examples is a diamond. It seems fake your diamond jewelry? Do not worry, diamond jewelery 100% genuine and certificates are available at great prices in online jewelry Antwerp, Baunat.

Prove the authenticity of diamond jewelry: forget the mirror

Diamonds are tested by a lot of people scratching in a mirror for authenticity. Do not do this because this method is not very reliable. Also a fake diamond can actually leave a scratch. And you probably prefer not to damage the stone.

Alternatives to check your diamond jewelry

A safer method is to test your jewel diamates by breathing. In a real diamond condensation evaporates quickly, with a fake diamond is not. Note that if for example a layer of oil on the ring is present, this test does not guarantee 100%. The weight of the diamond does not say everything. The most popular fake diamond Cubic Zirconia is heavier than a real diamond example.

Do you have an eagle eye and a magnifying glass? Take a look properly in the cut at the top of the diamond. If the cut is walking along and straight, you have a genuine diamond in his possession. With a microscope, you can even find a diamond cut some small irregularities or stains. Because these are virtually impossible to imitate, can prove that the diamond is real.

Check diamonds: ultraviolet light never lies

The best method to distinguish fake diamond jewelry? Most diamonds have a blue color if placed under ultraviolet light. Color your blue diamond? Congratulations, you have a real set of examples in hands. But remember: the lighter the blue, the more valuable the diamond.

You have less luck? Choose a certified diamond jewel Baunat. In the heavenly collections is diamond necklaces, earrings, engagement rings and bracelets in different shapes, colors and precious metals. Want a high quality 100% guaranteed authentic? Always choose a diamond jewel Baunat.

mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Achieving pink lips with natural elements

Achieving pink lips with natural elements


Whether you're tired of pink lipstick apply yourself throughout the day or try to recover the natural color of your lips after drinking coffee, nature gives you several ways to achieve and maintain the pink color thereof. With little effort and great results, you've recovered quickly that color.


Rub lemon juice on your lips before bedtime if you think they are too dark due to coffee, for example. After applying wait until your lips are dry and huméctalos, as this can dry the product. Do this once a week.

Keep your moistened lips as if they are healthy they will be better and more pink. Use only a moisturizer made with natural ingredients such as honey or beeswax. Apply before bedtime so that your lips stay moist overnight. You should also use this lip balm during the day, every day.

Use the old method of pinching your lips for a pink tint afterthought. This is the same method used cheeks to give a quick blush. Pinch your lips gently with your fingertips, not nails, to get a pink tone that lasts about ten minutes. This method will work if you want to impress someone at the time because it will not last.

Rub beet juice on your lips before bed to achieve an effect of natural dyeing. Cut a piece of beet and pass it on lips for five minutes. Be careful not to let the juice around or on the chin. Wash your hands well. Do this about three times a week, alternating between this step and 5.


Grind some red rose petals in a glass until you can see a liquid. Uses the latter as a natural dye on your lips before going to bed. Crushed petals gently rub the lips without touching the surrounding areas or chin. Wash your hands well. Do this about three times a week alternating with Step 4.

Keep your lips pink exfoliándolos with a toothbrush with soft bristles once or twice a week prior to other products apply yourself before going to bed. Rub gently brush to remove dead skin and tea and coffee stains. Create a weekly routine doing Step 1 one day, and repeat Steps 4 and 5 throughout the week on different days.

samedi 17 janvier 2015

10 tips for perfect skin

10 tips for perfect skin

No need to go to the market to buy the latest cream from a known brand: stay reading beauty tips that offers you iMujer and see you reach and exceed to create a routine that will ensure an attractive, bright, soft skin, hydrated and enviable! This time you will spot 10 We simplest of tricks for a perfect skin, say, the commandments that every woman must follow to have the skin you've always wanted.

How to have a beautiful, smooth and youthful skin

be careful


say this seems obvious. However, in skin care ... you must be more careful! Do not use lotions, facial cleansing or exfoliating much amount of acid, for example, as the skin dries too. Choose carefully the right products for your skin type or resorts to economic harmless and natural solutions.

Washing the face with honey


Honey is a very effective natural ingredient for skin beauty, so instead of using a special cleanser or soap to remove impurities and water, take a jar of honey and apply a little of her in the face.Try it! You will notice that your skin is naturally clean and smooth.

Rinse your face with cold water


When you just get up and go to the bathroom to wet your face to wake you ... use cold water! The low temperature of the water is not only suitable for despabilarnos quickly but also to promote better wetting of the skin and tighten pores. Hot water, otherwise, the becomes dry and scaly.

Dry with a soft towel

Remember one of the above points: be careful! When finished rinsing, do not rub your face loud and sharp against the towel. Remember that the skin of the face is very sensitive; just caress your skin with a pat on a soft towel and leave to dry naturally.

Use vegetable oils

Other fantastic natural ingredients for a perfect skin are vegetable oils such as almond oil, rosehip oil, coconut oil, olive oil ... These products moisturize, cleanse and soften skin harmlessly , natural and, of course, economic.They are the best!

Do not drink alcohol

One of the effects of alcohol in the body is dehydration, and with it, greater dry skin. While a glass of wine after dinner is beneficial for heart care, try not to overdo it with alcohol if you want to have an attractive, bright, healthy skin. It is a great enemy remember.

Drinking juices and smoothies, fruit and vegetable

Nothing better for your skin and overall health a liquefied succulent fruits and vegetables packed with nutrients and antoxidantes.They are delicious! Try drinking a smoothie of fruits and vegetables every other day. One option may be a mixture of apple juice, carrot and red peppers.

Eating fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods you can find. They provide us with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for health and also for beauty, for what we eat has an effect on our appearance. Try eating several servings of fruits and vegetables a day; integrate them with your breakfast or snacks or consume them as snacks between meals. Nor forget to drink plenty of water. Eat more fruits, vegetables and water every day and immediately notice that the skin is luminous and hydrated.


Exercise is one of the best habits for better health and an amazing body and beautiful skin! Because when we sweat, we release toxins and oxygenate our cells. Did I tell some experience? A few days of exercise twice a week, then noticed the look of my skin looked cleaner and smoother.Seriously! If you can not go to the gym, go for a walk, run, bike, play sports, or whatever you like. The key is to put the body in motion, burn calories, relieve stress, sweat, sweat and sweat.

Dry Skin Brushing

Have not you have made a body brushing or dry skin brushing? This habit beauty is great to have a glowing skin from the inside out, because it gets rid of dry, dead skin, increases circulation and draining lymph nodes (yes, you also serves to prevent cellulite!). Before bathe, brush your skin from the feet to the chest with a special brush you can find in any local store or maybe at your local pharmacy.

More tips for skin care

A few weeks ago here in iMujer I proposed an interesting column with tips for skin care without spending money, using homemade, natural and economic elements. Visit this article and have several specific tips for your beauty routine.Do not miss it!

vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Makeup Guide / makeup tricks

Makeup Guide / makeup tricks

During the rule women are not only annoying, painful, bad character or cravings. Our skin also looks different and requires special attention.

In this post I'm commenting on what you can do to make your skin look much better days when you have your period without hormonal changes will affect both. Remember to visit the first part of the post:

We are accustomed to wear eyeliner always just as unproven original forms and rarely change or innovate, but the reality is there are many ways to use the eyeliner ... many as you want! The limit is your imagination and how you feel comfortable being made up to go outside for all to see you.

I am one of those women who can not leave without the eyeliner look, and occasionally prove original forms and really hits! I like to look different thanks to the liner as it is a way to change your look without much effort. May you also like to innovate with the eyeliner and thus not always bore the same way every day. Today I want to talk about some great ways to outline your eyes.

When women are with the period, our entire body undergoes changes, both inside and out.

The skin and hair also reveal these changes, since the pores are more visible, the skin may be more opaque, leaving some granites and are generally more swollen.

In this post I share with facial care must give your skin during the days when you have menstruation, thus can fight with the changes taking place by revolutionized hormones and your

To paint my lips every day I always opted for lipstick matte, there are many reasons why I opted for this type of color rather than a different one and I can not argue about this ... I am a fan of matte colors for lips. If you like them as I'm sure you'll know what I mean, and if not ... now discover why use matte lipstick before another for everyday use.

Maybe if you do not like it because you think you are too dry or rare, but this is the beginning because once you learn to use matte lipsticks you will not remember those thoughts! If you are considering the possibility of giving an opportunity for matte lipsticks ... Today I will give the reasons why yes it!

The manicure is not a science, but it has its secrets. Unfortunately women tend to commit gross errors that can seriously affect the health of our nails.

Makeup Guide / makeup tricks