
mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Achieving pink lips with natural elements

Achieving pink lips with natural elements


Whether you're tired of pink lipstick apply yourself throughout the day or try to recover the natural color of your lips after drinking coffee, nature gives you several ways to achieve and maintain the pink color thereof. With little effort and great results, you've recovered quickly that color.


Rub lemon juice on your lips before bedtime if you think they are too dark due to coffee, for example. After applying wait until your lips are dry and huméctalos, as this can dry the product. Do this once a week.

Keep your moistened lips as if they are healthy they will be better and more pink. Use only a moisturizer made with natural ingredients such as honey or beeswax. Apply before bedtime so that your lips stay moist overnight. You should also use this lip balm during the day, every day.

Use the old method of pinching your lips for a pink tint afterthought. This is the same method used cheeks to give a quick blush. Pinch your lips gently with your fingertips, not nails, to get a pink tone that lasts about ten minutes. This method will work if you want to impress someone at the time because it will not last.

Rub beet juice on your lips before bed to achieve an effect of natural dyeing. Cut a piece of beet and pass it on lips for five minutes. Be careful not to let the juice around or on the chin. Wash your hands well. Do this about three times a week, alternating between this step and 5.


Grind some red rose petals in a glass until you can see a liquid. Uses the latter as a natural dye on your lips before going to bed. Crushed petals gently rub the lips without touching the surrounding areas or chin. Wash your hands well. Do this about three times a week alternating with Step 4.

Keep your lips pink exfoliándolos with a toothbrush with soft bristles once or twice a week prior to other products apply yourself before going to bed. Rub gently brush to remove dead skin and tea and coffee stains. Create a weekly routine doing Step 1 one day, and repeat Steps 4 and 5 throughout the week on different days.

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